During this unprecedented time, the University Hospital of the West of Indies has adapted to meet the challenges faced by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and fulfil its mission to provide optimal care as we tackle a virus unlike any we have faced in a century.

The UHWI and its stakeholders have worked around the clock to put forward a new clinical trial by establishing a process to identify, qualify and collect convalescent plasma safely from recovered COVID-19 individuals. This plasma will then be used in some COVID-19 patients with severe disease to aid in their recovery

A specific donor is needed for this clinical trial. In addition to meeting this current plasma donor eligibility criteria, convalescent plasma donors must be between the ages of 18 and 60 years, previously confirmed positive for COVID-19 by a laboratory test, and fully recovered from the virus and symptom free for at least 28 days to participate. Anyone who meets these requirements is encouraged to join UHWI Convalescent Plasma Support online registry. Additional testing will be done at the time of collection to ensure there are adequate antibodies against the COVID-19 virus in the donor’s plasma to be part of the trial.

Learn more about this study by emailing plasmasupport@uhwi.gov.jm or calling 876-977-2327.