To all: Heads of Departments
Heads of Divisions
Members of Staff


A very happy 2022—a new year, and a period of new challenges and opportunities!

Welcome back to those who had some time off and thanks to those who kept the Hospital running so well.

It has been a privilege working with and meeting people at the University Hospital who have such commitment to our patients, each other, and to the vision of who we are — these form a foundation upon which great things can be built. Together, we have endured one of the toughest years in our lifetime. Most importantly, we have overcome challenges by focusing on the people we serve. We have stayed true to our mission and kept the patient in the centre of all that we do. There is much to be hopeful for as we look to the future.

This year will not be without its challenges, both financially and operationally. Despite this, the work ethic and culture of the UHWI is one that we can depend on to get us through these challenges, just as we have in the past. As we enter a fourth wave of the COVID-19 infection, the Omicron variant, let us be very cautious, and continue to apply the necessary preventative measures, as this variant is said to be very transmissible, and if not taken seriously could lead to staff shortages and the compromising of patient care. Therefore, let us be on our guard to protect ourselves, loved ones and to reduce transmission within the Hospital. Our community relies on us to be committed to their well-being, to always be professional, compassionate, and to continually strive to be better.

I will, as best as I can, work with you directly and through the management team to ensure you have the support you need. Thank you in advance for your commitment—each of you is a valued member of the UHWI Team who has great potential to serve those who need our help and care. For the 2022 calendar year, please see the list below that we will be pursuing:-

  • Roll out of UHWI Operational and Strategic Plan
  • Quality Management
  • Modernizing the main and minor Operating Theatres
  • Equipping the Radiology Department
  • Modernizing of the UHWI - Phase 1

There is hope on the horizon amidst a dark 2021.

With sincere thanks for all you do as a combined effort, and wishing you all the warmth, brightness, and hope that 2022 has to offer.

Best regards,

Kevin Allen

Chief Executive Officer