Thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Constant Spring and New Era Fencing, the University Hospital of the West Indies is the beneficiary of the fencing of the Paediatric Ward playground.  The official Handover Ceremony took place on Saturday, February 7, 2015.  Among the attendees were Mrs. Deborah Manning, President of the Kiwanis Club of Constant Spring; Mrs. Pam Rodney-White, Distinguished President of the Kiwanis Club of Constant Spring; Mr. Serge F. Viau, Governor of Kiwanis Clubs of Eastern Canada and the Caribbean; Mr. Lloyd Distant Jr., Lieutenant Governor of Kiwanis Clubs of Division 23 East; Mr Patrick Rhone, Managing Director of New Era Fencing; Dr. Cecil White, Chief Executive Officer of the UHWI; and Dr. Oluwayoni Olugbuyi, Consultant Paediatrician.

Fencing Ward 1

 Fencing Ward 1

Fencing Ward 3

Fencing Ward 4