Seven year old Jonathan Brown’s parents appeal for their son to have corrective surgery on his unique medical condition was highlighted in a featured story on CVM TV Programme “Inspire Jamaica” on Sunday, April 19, 2015.  Jonathan’s medical condition had prevented him from living a normal life, such as, attending school and carrying out daily physical functions.

Through the initiative of Professor Newton Duncan, Consultant Paediatrician, UHWI, who was watching this heartrending story, contacted the University Hospital Management volunteering to perform the surgery free of cost. He also enquired whether the UHWI Management was willing to waive the other charges associated with his medical care, to which he received approval. 

Professor Duncan and team performed the first stage of Jonathan’s corrective surgery on May 14, 2015, and the final stage is planned in three weeks.  The objective is that Jonathan will ultimately live his life like a normal person and there is every expectation by the surgical team that he will.