Public Health Nursing aims to assist in providing comprehensive nursing service to clients/ patients of the University Hospital of the West Indies using the epidemiological approach to health care. It will also assist the Hospital in implementing strategies in promoting staff wellness through primary prevention using health promotion and health education tools.


  • To educate the staff of the University Hospital of the West Indies on the role and function of the Public Health Nurse so services can be properly utilized both inside and outside of the organization.
  • To assist in providing a team approach to patient/client care thus enhancing his/her quality of life.
  • To provide client/patient, family and community with the necessary information regarding health through health education and health promotion.
  • To improve Hospital Active Surveillance for more efficient and effective data      collection and reduce effects of under reporting of diseases within the institution.
  • To reduce the incidence of mortality and morbidity of chronic non-communicable diseases using the epidemiological approach to health care.
  • To provide continuity of patient/client care through the use of home visits through a Hospital referral system utilized by health care professionals. (Doctors and or Nurse in charge).
  • To initiate and participate in research which will improve quality of life for clients/patients as well as staff of the UHWI.

Services include

  • Immunization of all staff members (health care and non health care professionals) against vaccine preventable diseases. These include Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Hepatitis B.
  • Health Education and Health Promotion to all staff members, clients and patients on matters related to Public Health as is necessary and relevant.
  • To provide data to the Ministry of Health on all communicable diseases and syndromes through Hospital Active Surveillance in a timely manner in order to break transmission of these illnesses.
  • To work closely with Public Health Colleagues in the Ministry of Health to provide continuity of care for clients/patients in UHWI using the linkage system established in Primary Health Care Services.
  • To provide continuity of care for clients/patients through the use of home visits where necessary or through the use of a referral system in collaboration with Public Health Colleagues outside of the geographical area of the UHWI.

Public Health Nursing Vision Statement

Public Health Nursing in the University Hospital of the West Indies is committed to Excellence in health care delivery, teaching, training and research.

Public Health Nursing Mission Statement

Public Health Nursing in the University Hospital of the West Indies is committed to providing collaborative, comprehensive nursing care using the epidemiological approach, by incorporating the participation of all categories of staff, students, patients, their families and the wider community.