Project Name:                           ISO 9001:2015 QMS


Scope of Project:                      Emergency Medicine Division


Expected Outcomes:                 Change                 Improvement         Quality


As of October 4, 2021, UHWI entered into a client agreement with a certified certification body to develop, implement and maintain the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) and further pursue formal certification towards ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard.

This will involve a thorough independent external evaluation of all processes at the EMEGENCY MEDICINE DIVISON, including a pre-audit, a review of documentation, a system examination against all clauses of the ISO standard and closure of any improvement actions.

All of these processes seek to identify and continually improve our work and operations.

In the process of becoming ISO 9001 compliant, UHWI has implemented a quality management system centred on continually meeting the needs and expectations of customers across the Emergency Medicine Division.


The hospital has developed a comprehensive sets of methodologies to ensure all requirements are consistently addressed, and improvements are identified and addressed – demonstrating our commitment to quality and assurance.

Some key deliverable have been addressed and others are presently in the process of rolling out:

Key Milestones

Understanding ISO 9001 Awareness Session for Staff

Conducting a thorough gap analysis

Development of ISO required documentation

Identifying and documenting Key/support business processes


For more information about the certification process, check our monthly newsletter and social media platform.


Download: ISO Newsletter


Download: ISO 9001 2015 QMS