On Friday, 18th March 2016 the University Hospital of the West Indies presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Sophia Drummond, mother of Ms. Kirby Aubrenia Campbell.  Ms. Campbell was a patient of the UHWI who was terminally ill and passed away in 2016. It was Ms. Campbell's wishes that items used in her care be donated to the Hospital. 

The donations included:

1 wheel chair, 1 commode, 1 toilet safety rail, 2 bathroom chairs, 1 asthma machine, pampers, gauze and other disposables. The hospital management expressed great appreciation to Ms. Drummond, that her daughter and herself were thoughtful and unselfish even in the face of a family's great loss. Ms. Drummond was assured that the items were warmly accepted and would certainly be useful and add positively to the patients' experience.